Saturday, March 1, 2008

Bloglines Reflection


First of all, one of the LIS-related blogs I subscribed to today was The Shifted Librarian. Scrolling through the blog, what caught my eye right away was a section titled Books We Added to the Catalog Yesterday. I loved how it was set up! It said to click on the image of the book for more information. I was ready to read a great synopsis of the book. It didn't work, though. Did anyone else try this with luck?

Secondly, I subscribed to Librarians' Internet Index. I found a budget travel site with a goal of making travel to Europe affordable. It caught my eye because I dream of going on a vacation someday when my life stops being governed by Murphy's Law. Guess what the site was called?! Eurocheapo!!

Well, FINALLY I thought I'd get to read about a book! I subscribed to Washington Post Book Reviews. Right away I saw this book titled My Brother the Cow. I thought it looked interesting. I have a brother after all. He lives in York, England. I hope to visit there in the not-so-distant future now that I know how to get a "Eurocheapo" vacation. However, when I clicked on the link, I got that annoying we-are-unable-to-locate-the-page-you-requested message. Ok, I give up! See what I mean about Murphy's Law?!

Write soon!



Fredblog said...

Love the pink. Great spot

Wendy said...

I have a feeling the preview is an add on to a Intergrated Library System (Sirsi and TLC offer something like this). There's likely a glitch to be worked out.