Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Negative to Positive


There wasn't anything too recent in the Washington Post Book Reviews, so I decided to snoop around on Librarians' Internet Index today. Right away I saw a tip of the week about daylight savings time starting the second Sunday of March. Visions of changing the time on every clock and electronic device in the house started raising my blood pressure like a bad dream. And here I was ready to be so positive today instead of getting on another soapbox. So, I'm only going to say one thing and get on with life: Why can't what time it is just be what time it is for Pete's sake?!!

Ok, I'm over it now. On to the positive!

I know you're going to be proud of me now because how positive is this: There was an article about how you can be paid by a company to be a mystery shopper. That's right! Shopping for pay! There was some negative stuff in there, too, like how there are some scams going on. Apparently, there are some marketers running promising ads for mystery shoppers but not delivering the promised glamorous opportunities. But hey, I'm still caught up in the fact that there are real, legitimate marketing/merchandising research companies who actually do hire people to shop and then report back about the experience. I am so highly qualified for that job! After all, I'm the number one believer that a woman's place is in the mall!

Anyway, check out the Federal Trade Commission article titled The Secrets of Mystery Shopping Revealed. Don't even think about trying to take one of my shopping jobs, though.

Have a great rest-of-the-week!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I'm glad you found the FTC article. That's a good resource for this topic.